Christ Rules

Tag: Adi Schlebusch

The Kingdom and the Church

by Adi Schlebusch When speaking of the Kingdom, the Church, and the relationship between the two, it is first necessary to define both. Throughout Scripture, both are mentioned dozens of times as being the possession of God. The Greek word used in the New Testament for the church, ecclesia (ἐκκλησία), is perhaps one of the…

Stop paying any attention to fake “theonomist” charlatans like Doug Wilson, Gary Demar, James White, and James Jordan

By Adi Schlebusch I much prefer promoting constructive ideas and theories than engaging in uninteresting polemic battles, but given the fact that we have so many Marxist infiltrators posing as “Theonomists” or “Christian Reconstructionists” these days, this post has lamentably become necessary. But I’ll keep this brief. Doug Wilson is a pedophile protector and a…

All humans descend from the same ancestors. So why do some Familialists make ethnicity and race an issue when it comes to procreation?

By Adi Schlebusch In any discussion of moral matters, it is always vital to take into consideration whatever epistemological framework is informing the moral framework. This is because it is ludicrous and counterproductive to speak about right versus wrong without addressing the issue of truth and falsehood. All genuine Christians universally hold Scripture in high…

Idealism as Interpretative Framework for Apocalyptic and Eschatological Narratives in Scripture

By Adi Schlebusch In light of ongoing debates on Full or Unorthodox Preterism and The American Vision’s flirtation with this heresy, I thought it appropriate and timely to write something about the way we ought to understand apocalyptic and eschatological texts in Scripture.  While I agree with Classical or Partial Preterist position that prophecies regarding…

Voetius and Van Mastricht on Faith and Reason

By Adi Schlebusch The Dutch Reformed Scholastic Gisbetius Voetius (1569-1676) sees the epistemology of rationalism as standing in stark contrast to Christianity, given the fact that it places ultimate authority in man himself. He writes that “reason cannot precede faith or consist of clearer knowledge, and as such, reason cannot be the foundation of faith.”[1]…

The Characteristics of a Christian Society

by Adi Schlebusch In his 2021 book, The Confessional County: Realizing the Kingdom through Local Christendom, the senior executive fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Raymond Simmons describes the logic of social Christian covenantal confessionalism as follows: Only by Christ’s power can we begin to have a righteous society. Only by covenant is Christ’s…

Liberalism’s Central Theological Axiom

by Adi Schlebusch In 2006 the humanities scholar affiliated with Marquette University in Wisconsin, Howard Kainz, published an important article in Touchstone magazine entitled Liberalism as Religion, in which he rightly pointed out how the philosophy of Liberalism essentially amounts to a religion, complete with its own dogmas, hamartiology, holy scriptures, holy sites, relics and…

What is Culture?

by Adi Schlebusch The question regarding the nature and meaning of culture is an extremely relevant one for the time in which we live. We often refer to “our culture” to distinguish it form foreign or alien cultures. We also often speak of “the culture” when referring to the contemporary mainstream anti-Christian culture prevalent in…

The Lordship of Christ and the Family

by Adi Schlebusch There is a branch of Philosophy which we call Social Ontology. The word “ontology” is derived from the Greek words ontos which means “essence” or “existence” and logos which means “word” or “doctrine.” Ontology therefore entails the study of the nature of being, while social ontology specifically deals with the nature, structure…
